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Kate Solari Baker has spent her life in Northern California: Marin County and the Napa Valley. Her approach (to life and) to art is a search for clarity and definition. So though her art embraces two different techniques and mediums, pastel and oil paintings, she finds both help her put her artistic vision to the test. Initially, Kate exhibited her chalk pastel drawings on paper; finding working in a series format an excellent way to explore a subject’s variety of aspects, be it California wetlands, or roadside grasses, an eucalyptus tree or, most recently, a series of still life drawings utilizing images produced by favorite artists from her art book collection.

The last several years have been an opportunity to investigate oil on canvas as a technique. After many years of drawing from the figure, she chose to explore figurative work in oil on canvas. This is immensely demanding and a source of never-ending interest. These paintings are currently exhibited. Not wanting to be limited to one form of artistic expression, Kate has found in both pastel and oil the means to continue to open herself to new creative challenges.

Kate has attended the College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland and studied with Wayne Thiebaud in a Masters Class in Santa Fe. She doesn’t hesitate to take classes in an ongoing pursuit to expand her artistic skills and learn new ways of expression.

©2018 Kate Solari Baker. All rights reserved.